The Lumos Partnership

Case Studies

Within The Lumos Partnership we have accumulated years of business experience, working with countless clients, many of whom are blue chip and as well as small or mid-sized organisations.

Global Technology Player

A recent assignment with a blue chip technology supplier involved creating and developing a value proposition to assist in expanding a particular market sector. An important part of this work was providing insight and training to the sales team about the sector, the particular issues and difficulties it faces, from a historical, current and future perspective.

With this knowledge, the client was able to engage with prospects and clients on a more informed basis, enabling them to raise their game and start down the road of becoming a trusted advisor rather than a commoditised supplier. The client was able to identify opportunities it would have otherwise missed in terms of selling existing products and developing new products. This has enabled them to steal a march on their competition.


A hospital group’s submission for infrastructure funds required the modelling of the risks it anticipated facing during its build. The appointment was to both identify the critical risks and quantify the impact of the risks to the hospital’s business and financial plans.

The exercise identified the impact of the risks to the net present value of the capital project, its internal rate of return and cash-flow implications. This helped the client understand the expected and likely range of financial outcomes of the infrastructure profit and likely stress points for its submission to the board.

Insurance Company

A major Insurance company wished to understand their total cost of route to market and how best to influence this cost in a “downwards direction”.
Simply put their distribution channel was not their own and was dispersed amongst many suppliers (brokers) some of which only contributed cost to the insurer and no real value. So incentive scheme for key strategic partners/preferred brokers. This programme and the ensuing benefits became an overwhelming success and not just for the insurer. The brokers benefited as a result of reduced costs - some of which they were able to pass to their own clients.

Large Multinational

This engagement reviewed a large multinational’s insurance purchasing arrangements. The purpose was to find an optimum programme structure that fitted the client’s risk profile and minimised its total risk expenditure (total cost of risk – which included both the retained risk cost as well as insurance premium cost).

Our analysis and guidance helped the client understand its corporate risk tolerance and appetite, as well as the expected annual cost and range of likely and possible outcomes of its risks. Based on this information, the client - together with input from transactional brokers - was able to understand the value for money of insurance and identify the risk programme structures that minimised its total risk expenditure, subject to the maximum risk it was able and willing to take.

With this knowledge the client was able to determine a long term insurance placement strategy consistent with its corporate risk culture and to take short term decisions within the strategy to calculate and maximise the savings achievable from insurance. It was also able to identify the potential additional savings from further risk management.


This client constructed an enterprise-wide risk management framework and had identified a number of critical risks it needed to manage and control.  For its key risks, the client wanted a detailed understanding of each risk to improve its risk management and control.

The assignment helped the client understand the root cause of each risk as well as the potential impact to the success of the company’s strategic goal. Additionally this allowed the client to understand the information it needed to collate and monitor, as well as the areas it needed to manage to reduce the likelihood and effect of the risk.

Global Systems Integration and Outsource

We were asked by leading global systems integration and outsource organisation to advise on their outsource strategy and value add consulting services being offered to a leading global investment banking client. As part of an ongoing relationship we introduced both a new service model - which had a direct and substantial impact on both the revenue from the client and on the overall client experience - and an enhanced Performance Management Lifecycle which among many things, raised the bar on the capability and productivity of the outsource and consulting teams.


We have successfully advised a leading global wealth manager on the mobilisation of their 2010 strategic plan. This was a particularly sensitive assignment as the organisation was in the process of a corporate merger.

Infrastructure and Construction

A trading conglomerate in the UAE retained us to advise on a organisational restructure. Over a period of eight months, as a direct result of our recommended changes, the organisation increased its overall operating efficiency and increased profits by over 56%.

Business Integration

Our client merged with a major US corporation and while this was a logical and a well suited merger in the US, in EMEA the merger was not as straight forward, given the many European cultures and different business practices to be considered and managed, while also retaining clients and continuing to win new business. We were asked to create a new target operating model to establish the UK as a bench mark for other countries to duplicate by using common practices and toolsets to measure growth and performance. This programme was successfully completed - on time and within budget.