The Lumos Partnership

Corporate Strategy Setting

Corporate strategy setting is focused around the confirmation of three fundamental components of a clients’ raison d’être – its Vision, Mission and Goals.

The process emphasises the creation of pragmatic and SMART strategic objectives as 
the driving factors behind all internal and external programmes and services.

Lumos works with clients to confirm and validate strategic objectives and to clarify business priorities at both corporate and business unit level.  This process involves setting SMART objectives, along with the formalising clear performance measurement targets through the use of KPIs and balanced scorecards linked to the original strategic objectives. 

The process delivers:

  • Full corporate and departmental adherence to the strategic vision
  • Removal of all non-strategic ‘stuff’ that might have been occurring within departments (through alignment to SMART objectives)
  • Clear focus on achievement of both corporate and departmental objectives from an individual and team perspective.

Strategy Objective Process
The Overall Strategy Objective Process

At the heart of a successful strategy and implementation plan, lies a comprehensive communications programme to promote and embed key messages.