We have significant medical malpractice experience. Our experience spans many territories from Ireland, England and Wales, through Spain, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Italy, Israel to Hong Kong and Singapore.
We have worked for both public sector and private sector healthcare providers, central governmental organisations as well as individual hospitals and hospital trusts. Our Partners have created insurance markets where none previously existed and have helped nationalise medical malpractice liabilities.
In some instances, healthcare providers find their medical malpractice risks are not insurable or are prohibitively expensive due to an absence of a viable or competitive insurance market.
Our Partners have successfully helped create insurance markets in a number of territories, and enabled governmental bodies, regions, and individual hospital trusts to purchase insurance at more economic rates.
In achieving this, our Partners have helped in all stages of the process:
As with public sector organisations that retain risk, healthcare providers must also ensure that they have the finance to pay for their liabilities when they fall due and have appropriate provisions in their accounts.
Our Partners have substantial experience in providing this advice to commercial and public sector healthcare providers and above all of our advice is objective and independent of any financial provider.